Boppin' (Like The Hip Folks Do) began nine years ago today, when my lingering emotion in the aftermath of David Bowie's death compelled me to start a daily blog. This was a rash and possibly stupid decision, but I kept at it, with at least one post every single day until this past November. At that time, a combination of writing projects in need of my attention and my absolute disgust with the results of the Presidential election led me to pause and reconsider. I cut back to a reduced schedule of three to four posts a week, and I separated myself from the silly idea of maintaining a daily blog.
Like John Lennon said when he reunited with Yoko Ono: The separation didn't work out.
Effective with yesterday's effort to face the world with pride, Boppin' (Like The Hip Folks Do) will attempt to return to a daily schedule. I had initially thought a reduction in blogging would allow me more time to write other stuff (especially my forthcoming book Make Something Happen! The DIY Story Of A Power Pop Band Called THE FLASHCUBES). Instead, the opposite happened: I was writing less, not more. I wasn't getting anything done. That needed to change, and fast.
I guess I should have foreseen that. Prior to starting the blog--the razzafrazzin' DAILY blog--in 2016, I had all but stopped writing. I had been a writer for decades before that, but a writer writes, and by that metric I was no longer a writer. Even though I used (and continue to use) a lot of material from inventory, the commitment to regular daily blogging forced me to write, and to keep writing. Zero to a zillion.
The result was two books, a few magazine articles, my first-ever fiction sales, blog pieces that will find their way into future books, an increased public presence, more more more, and a desire to do still more.
I do realize that no one out there needs me to blog daily, nor even weekly. But I need it. The return of the blogger. A bop a day, every day. I won't promise anything of substance--let's not get crazy--and I reserve the right to de-commit yet again. For now: Please welcome back a daily blog called Boppin' (Like The Hip Folks Do).
If you like what you see here on Boppin' (Like The Hip Folks Do), please consider a visit to CC's Tip Jar.
My new book The Greatest Record Ever Made! (Volume 1) is now available, and you can order an autographed copy here. You can still get my previous book Gabba Gabba Hey! A Conversation With The Ramones from publisher Rare Bird Books, OR an autographed copy here. If you like the books, please consider leaving a rating and/or review at the usual online resources.
This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio with Dana & Carl airs Sunday nights from 9 to Midnight Eastern, on the air in Syracuse at SPARK! WSPJ 103.3 and 93.7 FM, streaming at SPARK stream and on the Radio Garden app as WESTCOTT RADIO. Recent shows are archived at Westcott Radio. You can read about our history here.
Keep 'em coming, Carl!