Boppin' (Like The Hip Folks Do) has been nominated as Best Blog in The Syracuse New Times' Best Of Syracuse '16 readers poll. My chances of winning this are not terrific--the competition includes some established and well-known local blogs--but I'm here to beg for your vote anyway. You can vote once per e-mail address, and you can vote in as many or as few categories as you wish.
I'd also like to solicit support on behalf of some near 'n' dears who have also been nominated in various other categories. My lovely wife Brenda's school Jowonio School has been nominated as Best Pre-School Program and as Best After-School Program; Spark Syracuse, the near-future FM radio home of This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio with Dana & Carl, has been nominated as Best Not For Profit; and our pal Ronnie Dark of The Wax Museum with Ronnie Dark has been nominated as Best Radio Personality. Ronnie's band Darkroom has been nominated as Best Rock Group, and Wax Museum sponsor Music And More has been nominated as Best Place To Buy Music. Oh, and my funnybook supplier, Comix Zone, is up for Best Comics Shop. Your friendly neighborhood blogkeeper humbly requests you consider a vote for each of these worthy parties.
(I confess to a tough choice for Best Radio Personality, since Ronnie is up against local legend Dave Frisina, who deserves something on the order of a zillion awards for all he's done and continues to do on behalf of Syracuse radio and Syracuse music. Given my druthers, Ronnie and Dave would both win the award.)
If anyone has questions, or if anyone wants more vote recommendations, please contact me at ccdatsme@aol.com, or on Facebook. Or here. Or there. Or everywhere, man. Vote early. Vote often. Vote Boppin'.
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