Back again! Dana Bonn and Carl Cafarelli return with This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio, Volume 4, another sterling collection of rockin' pop on behalf of their long-running radio show This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio with Dana & Carl. The radio show shamelessly bills itself as The Best Three Hours Of Radio On The Whole Friggin' Planet, and this CD backs up the claim with ease and authority: new or previously-unreleased tracks from Pop Co-Op (a group whose formation was directly inspired by This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio, featuring Steve Stoeckel of The Spongetones, Bruce Gordon of Mr. Encrypto, Joel Tinnel, and Stacy Carson), Ray Paul (with Terry Draper of Klaatu), Vegas With Randolph Featuring Lannie Flowers, The Slapbacks (supergroup of Keith Klingensmith of The Legal Matters, Herb Eimerman of The Nurk Twins and The Britannicas, Torbjorn Petersson of Tor Guides, drummin' journalist John Borack of Popdudes, and Karen Basset of The Pandoras, covering The Flashcubes!), Michael Oliver & the Sacred Band Featuring Dave Merritt, Popdudes, Stepford Knives (with Jamie Hoover of The Spongetones), Chris von Sneidern, The Bottle Kids, The Hit Squad, Maura & the Bright Lights (featuring members of The Kennedys and Screen Test, plus John Wicks of The Records and poet B. D. Love), Lisa Mychols, and Mr. Encrypto & the Cyphers, first-time-on-CD tracks from The Grip Weeds [new remix of German single B-side], The Flashcubes [original 4-track of their power pop classic "No Promise"], 1.4.5. [late '80s LP track with Paul Armstrong of The Flashcubes and Ducky Carlisle] and The Legal Matters [wonderful cover of Teenage Fanclub's "Don't Look Back"], and more rare or under-appreciated delights from Circe Link & Christian Nesmith, P. Hux, Irene Peña, The Rubinoos, Ronnie Dark, The Smithereens [first mass-market CD release of a track from their 1980 debut EP], Paul Collins' Beat, and The Rulers [ace tribute tune "I Want My Ramones Records Back"]. Proceeds benefit Spark Syracuse, the community radio home of TIRnRR. Dana & Carl call this an essential pop purchase. They're biased. They're also right. You like pop music? You have a pulse? This compilation's for you.
A taste of four of the songs: This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio on Reverbnation
Want it? Yes, you do: http://shop.koolkatmusik.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=KKM&Product_Code=Various_Artists_241&Category_Code=
TOMORROW: The liner notes.
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