Tuesday, March 4, 2025

A forthcoming collection of my short stories: GUITARS VS RAYGUNS!! Short Stories And Other White Lies by Carl Cafarelli


I have previously mentioned my intention to gather some of my short stories into a paperback book publication. I've been edging forward with that project, and I hope to have GUITARS VS RAYGUNS!! Short Stories And Other White Lies completed within the next few months.

The book takes its title from the first short story I ever sold ("Guitars Vs. Rayguns"). I recently completed a sequel ("Last Stand On Uranus") to that first story, and I plan to write two or three more in the series and include all five of them in the eventual book. Foul-mouthed and proudly immature, my "Guitars Vs Rayguns" series strikes me as the prose equivalent of the infamous Troggs tapes, with lots and lots of gratuitous swearing. Suffice it to say that I will not be offering a dramatic reading of any of these stories on our radio show.

GUITARS VS RAYGUNS!! will also include a few other stories I sold to AHOY Comics, a few other stories that have only appeared on this blog or some other curated corner of the internet, and a few that are previously unseen. I need to complete the crafting of a few more stories in that latter category before I'm ready turn this thing into a book. The book will not include short stories I intend to use for my someday Copperhead Kid novel, nor anything from my other novel-in-progress Meet The Frantiks!

Although several of the stories in GUITARS VS RAYGUNS!! have appeared on this blog, the policies of one of the book's distributors require me to remove most of those posts from the blog. The first "Guitars Vs. Rayguns" short story will remain in place here. It was my first-ever fiction sale, and it serves as an effective shill for whatever this book is supposed to be.

What is the book supposed to be? Its current proposed blurb says it's "an anthology of short stories and other white lies by CARL CAFARELLI, gathering tales of a rock 'n' roll guitarist hijacked into space, a film noir gun moll who longs to be in a musical, a humorous fill-in superhero suddenly called to greatness, a former boy band star turned record company fix-it man, a would-be painter, an obsessed collector, a fated swordswoman, a fallen giant, a frustrated time traveler, and other untruths detailing love, loss, disappointment, a fascination with shiny objects, and—occasionally--a juvenile sense of humor."

And here's the tentative Table Of Contents:

FOREWORD: Short stories and other white lies
INTRODUCTION: It's Harlan Ellison's fault (and he didn't even know me)
Guitars Vs. Rayguns
Home Of The Hits
Pop Friction
Montie Pylon Finds His Holy Grail
The Picture Of Amontillado
The Greatest Thud Never Heard
GUITARS VS RAYGUNS! Last Stand On Uranus
Rain-Hat Sam
Jack Mystery (some truth and some lies)
The Adventures Of Captain Magic
President Copperhead
Justice For The Puppet Master
I WAS THERE! The Bowling Green Massacre
The Art Of Malice
The Traitor's Guide To Hell
Dreaming Deadly
Lazarus Lives
Seven Minutes To Blackout
Bright Lights
The Loveable Lunkhead Returns
GUITARS VS RAYGUNS! Saturday Night At The Shootout
The Junkfood Of Your Life
April Regrets
Many Happy Returns
The Golden Age
I'm At BAT!

The above will change before this book becomes a book. My writing has gotten a little faster lately, so I hope the book does indeed become a book in the very short term. Still, some of the stories that haven't yet been written will never be written, and some that have been written will be left behind. Hell, some will be written that I haven’t even thought of yet. More info to come.

If you like what you see here on Boppin' (Like The Hip Folks Do), please consider a visit to CC's Tip Jar

My new book The Greatest Record Ever Made! (Volume 1) is now available, and you can order an autographed copy here. You can still get my previous book Gabba Gabba Hey! A Conversation With The Ramones from publisher Rare Bird Books, OR an autographed copy here. If you like the books, please consider leaving a rating and/or review at the usual online resources.

This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio with Dana & Carl airs Sunday nights from 9 to Midnight Eastern, on the air in Syracuse at SPARK! WSPJ 103.3 and 93.7 FM, streaming at SPARK stream and on the Radio Garden app as WESTCOTT RADIO. Recent shows are archived at Westcott Radio. You can read about our history here.

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