Our opening set this week serves up an irresistible sequence of CHRIS CHURCH, JULES AND THE POLAR BEARS, THE SELECTER, CHEESE, MICHAEL C. MITSCH, and ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA. We could stop right there, drop the mic, and bask in the warmth of the radio audience's boundless gratitude. But NO! We're just getting STARTED! We've got SUNBUZZ, THE WELL WISHERS, PSYCHEDELIC FURS, CHRIS HILLMAN, XTC, SORROWS, THE RAMONES, THE AVENGERS, TOOTS AND THE MAYTALS, THE JAM, THE KINKS, THE PRETENDERS, LIBRARIANS WITH HICKEYS, THE SPONGETONES, THE dB'S, THE CYNZ, CONTINENTAL DRIFTERS, KENNY MICHAELS, P. HUX, ELENA ROGERS, JUNIPER, SUPER 8 FEATURING LISA MYCHOLS, TEGAN AND SARA, SHONEN KNIFE, LITTLE RICHARD, AMY RIGBY, WONDERBOY, a RICHARD TURGEON track from POP AID 2, and more, much more. Gravity claims the mic. Sunday night, 9 to Midnight Eastern, on the air in Syracuse at SPARK! WSPJ 103.3 and 93.7 FM, https://sparksyracuse.org/, streaming on the Radio Garden app as WESTCOTT RADIO. The weekend stops HERE!
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