As we go back to 1971, let me make this perfectly clear: I loved reading the debut appearance of The Defenders. I was 11, and it was the first time I was ever in on the ground floor of a new Marvel Comics superteam.
In memory of Stan Lee, Marvel Week continues with this 100-Page FAKES! edition of Marvel Feature # 1, supplementing the original comic book's then-new Defenders and Dr. Strange stories (the latter with beautiful artwork by underrated penciller Don Heck inked by Frank Giacoia) and its '50s Sub-Mariner reprint with two bonuses: Stan Lee and John Buscema's epic Silver Surfer origin from 1968, and a Hulk parody from the pages of Not Brand Echh. A lovely Hulk pinup by Jack Kirby completes the package.
The Defenders in "The Day Of The Defenders!," Marvel Feature # 1 (December 1971)
"The Sub-Mariner And The Icebergs," Sub-Mariner # 40 (June 1955)
The Silver Surfer in "The Origin Of The Silver Surfer!," Silver Surfer # 1 (August 1968)
The Inedible Bulk In "The Origin Of Brucie Banter...And Friend," Not Brand Echh # 3 (October 1967)
Dr. Strange in "The Return!," Marvel Feature # 1 (December 1971)
Everything is copyright Marvel Entertainment, and can only be shown here in representative sample pages; I share the whole book with my patrons. Hey! Except for that Hulk pinup, we haven't shown any Kirby work yet. We'll give you at least one Kirby story when Marvel Week concludes tomorrow.
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Our new compilation CD This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio, Volume 4 is now available from Kool Kat Musik! 29 tracks of irresistible rockin' pop, starring Pop Co-Op, Ray Paul, Circe Link & Christian Nesmith, Vegas With Randolph Featuring Lannie Flowers, The Slapbacks, P. Hux, Irene Peña, Michael Oliver & the Sacred Band Featuring Dave Merritt, The Rubinoos, Stepford Knives, The Grip Weeds, Popdudes, Ronnie Dark, The Flashcubes,Chris von Sneidern, The Bottle Kids, 1.4.5., The Smithereens, Paul Collins' Beat, The Hit Squad, The Rulers, The Legal Matters, Maura & the Bright Lights, Lisa Mychols, and Mr. Encrypto & the Cyphers. You gotta have it, so order it here. A digital download version (minus The Smithereens' track) is also available from Futureman Records.


Our new compilation CD This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio, Volume 4 is now available from Kool Kat Musik! 29 tracks of irresistible rockin' pop, starring Pop Co-Op, Ray Paul, Circe Link & Christian Nesmith, Vegas With Randolph Featuring Lannie Flowers, The Slapbacks, P. Hux, Irene Peña, Michael Oliver & the Sacred Band Featuring Dave Merritt, The Rubinoos, Stepford Knives, The Grip Weeds, Popdudes, Ronnie Dark, The Flashcubes,Chris von Sneidern, The Bottle Kids, 1.4.5., The Smithereens, Paul Collins' Beat, The Hit Squad, The Rulers, The Legal Matters, Maura & the Bright Lights, Lisa Mychols, and Mr. Encrypto & the Cyphers. You gotta have it, so order it here. A digital download version (minus The Smithereens' track) is also available from Futureman Records.


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