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100-Page FAKES! imagines mid-1970s DC 100-Page Super Spectaculars that never were...but should have been! Hey, I'm in this one! Well, I'm on the letters page anyway, gushing enthusiastically about what a swell job the folks at DC were doing with this revival of one of my favorite superheroes, Aquaman. This was Aquaman's first book-length solo outing since his own title was cancelled in 1971. To expand it into a genuine make-believe 100-pager, we're adding a Silver Age Aquaman story, Golden Age exploits starring Green Lantern and Robin, more 1960s action with former Charlton Comics Action Hero The Question, and a backup strip from DC's 1970 licensed triumph Hot Wheels, a book deserving of praise, acclaim, and deluxe reprints, none of which it's ever gonna get. But Hot Wheels was indeed a terrific comic book, so we'll at least continue to celebrate its wonder in this willfully fanciful space. Aquaman in "And Death Before Dishonor," Adventure Comics # 444 (March-April 1976) Aquaman and Aqualad in "The Creature King Of The Sea," Showcase # 32 (May-June 1961) The Golden Age Green Lantern in "Rumors Of The Round Table!," All-American Comics # 72 (April 1946) Hot Wheels in "The Mint 400," Hot Wheels # 2 (May-June 1970) Robin the Boy Wonder in "The Campaign Crooks!," Star Spangled Comics # 101 (February 1950) The Question (untitled), The Blue Beetle # 2 (August 1967) Hot Wheels is copyright Mattel Inc., and everything else is copyright DC Comics Inc. The Question story is now public domain, but only my subscribers get to see the whole fabricated package in all its pretend glory. Yesterday's 100-Page FAKE! edition of Detective Comics # 451 featured the lead story from Hot Wheels # 2, and I'm gonna be running more phony Detective Comics to reprise the full run of DC's Hot Wheels in those faux pages. But don't worry, Adventure fans! We'll be back before long, as The Creeper takes over the backup spot. I really loved this book. I have a letter to prove I did. TIP THE BLOGGER: CC's Tip Jar!
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Our new compilation CD This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio, Volume 4 is now available from Kool Kat Musik! 29 tracks of irresistible rockin' pop, starring Pop Co-Op, Ray Paul, Circe Link & Christian Nesmith, Vegas With Randolph Featuring Lannie Flowers, The Slapbacks, P. Hux, Irene Peña, Michael Oliver & the Sacred Band Featuring Dave Merritt, The Rubinoos, Stepford Knives, The Grip Weeds, Popdudes, Ronnie Dark, The Flashcubes,Chris von Sneidern, The Bottle Kids, 1.4.5., The Smithereens, Paul Collins' Beat, The Hit Squad, The Rulers, The Legal Matters, Maura & the Bright Lights, Lisa Mychols, and Mr. Encrypto & the Cyphers. You gotta have it, so order it here. A digital download version (minus The Smithereens' track) is also available from Futureman Records. COVER GALLERY
100-Page FAKES! imagines mid-1970s DC 100-Page Super Spectaculars that never were...but should have been! Although our most recent 100-Page FAKE! was an expanded edition of 1975's Detective Comics # 449, circumstances (i.e., my lack of a digital copy of 'Tec # 450) force us to skip ahead to # 451. I really liked 451's lead story "The Batman's Burden" when I was 15, and I think I picked it as my favorite story of the year in a questionnaire I filled out at the Super DC Con in New York the following February. Reprints this time continue my newfound mission to reprise all of the stories from DC's short-lived Hot Wheels title. Today's FAKE! gives us the lead story from 1970's Hot Wheels # 2; that issue's backup story will appear in a near-future faux edition of Adventure Comics # 444. Golden Age adventures of Batman and Robin, the Golden Age Hawkman, and Mr. Scarlet and Pinky mingle with Silver Age tales of The Blue Beetle and The Elongated Man, with a solo Robin story from the real-world 'Tec # 451 wrapping things up. The Batman in "The Batman's Burden!," Detective Comics # 451 (September 1975) Hot Wheels in "Dragstrip Finals...Dragstrip Disaster!," Hot Wheels # 2 (May-June 1970) The Batman and Robin (untitled), Detective Comics # 58 (December 1941) The Blue Beetle in "The Madmen," Blue Beetle # 3 (October 1967) The Golden Age Hawkman in "The Flaming Darkness!," Flash Comics # 104 (February 1949) "Mr. Scarlet and Pinky Alarm A Firebug!," Wow Comics # 44 (June 1946) "The Elongated Man's Other-World Wife!," Detective Comics # 332 (October 1964) Robin the Teen Wonder in "The Parking Lot Bandit Strikes Again!," Detective Comics # 451 (September 1975) Hot Wheels is copyright Mattel Inc., and everything else is copyright DC Comics Inc. The Blue Beetle and Mr. Scarlet stories are now public domain, while the rest can only be shown here in representative sample pages. That's a shame, because artist Alex Toth's Hot Wheels pages are just out-of-this-world great, man. My subscribers get to see the whole thing. We'll be back in a day or two with the above-mentioned FAKE! version of Adventure Comics # 444, and another phony Detective Comics should appear next week. TIP THE BLOGGER: CC's Tip Jar!
You can support this blog by becoming a patron on Patreon: Fund me, baby!
Our new compilation CD This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio, Volume 4 is now available from Kool Kat Musik! 29 tracks of irresistible rockin' pop, starring Pop Co-Op, Ray Paul, Circe Link & Christian Nesmith, Vegas With Randolph Featuring Lannie Flowers, The Slapbacks, P. Hux, Irene Peña, Michael Oliver & the Sacred Band Featuring Dave Merritt, The Rubinoos, Stepford Knives, The Grip Weeds, Popdudes, Ronnie Dark, The Flashcubes,Chris von Sneidern, The Bottle Kids, 1.4.5., The Smithereens, Paul Collins' Beat, The Hit Squad, The Rulers, The Legal Matters, Maura & the Bright Lights, Lisa Mychols, and Mr. Encrypto & the Cyphers. You gotta have it, so order it here. A digital download version (minus The Smithereens' track) is also available from Futureman Records.