Just in case there's someone out there who is really, really starved for entertainment in these troubled times, I offer this collection of links to some of my short fiction. If you're, y'know, that desperate for diversion....
I've sold four short stories to the good folks at AHOY Comics, all of them written, bought, and paid for in 2019. Two of those--"Guitars Vs. Rayguns" and "The Picture Of Amontillado"--have not yet been published. "The Last Ride Of The Copperhead Kid" appeared in November in The Second Coming # 5, and "The Copperhead Strikes!" was published last week in Captain Ginger Season 2 # 2. A fifth story, "The Copperhead Affair," is still awaiting word of its fate. The terms of sale to AHOY prohibit me from sharing those stories here until a little bit more time has passed. However, AHOY has made "The Copperhead Strikes!" available for all to see.

AHOY rejected a story called "Hitcore," but I I'm keeping that one under wraps for the time being. Here are some others you can read right now:
"Montie Pylon Finds His Holy Grail"
"Sword Of The Chosen One"
"The Greatest Thud Never Heard"
"Dreaming Deadly" [WARNING: a bit more intense than some would like]
Batman and Aquaman in "The Undersea World Of Mr. Freeze"
Jukebox Express (plus follow-up annotation here)

"The Lovable Lunkhead Returns"
THE FLASHCUBES: A Brighter Light In My Mind
Virtual Ticket Stub Gallery: The Beatles Live 1976
THE ARCHIES: An American Band
"I'm At BAT!"
"The Art Of Malice"
"I WAS THERE! A First-Person Account Of The Bowling Green Massacre"

I also have a mix of unfinished stories and behind-the-scenes glimpses of my creative process (such as it is):

Eternity Man! [first five chapters of abandoned rock 'n' roll time travel superhero novel]
The Jack Mystery Story
Our Lips Are Sealed [mystery novel, incomplete first chapter]

Batman and Wonder Woman in "Paradise Does Not Believe In Tears" [intro for an unfinished sequel to "The Undersea World Of Mr. Freeze"]
THE GREEN HORNET '66: The Beat And The Sting [teaser]
THE GREEN HORNET '66: The Beat And The Sting [introductory script pages from unfinished comic book story]
SPIDER-MAN: My Marvel Comics Try-Out
BATMAN MEETS THE MONKEES [thoughts on how such a comic book story could be done]
I have even more, believe it or not, but that should be plenty for now.

This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio with Dana & Carl airs Sunday nights from 9 to Midnight Eastern, on the air in Syracuse at SPARK! WSPJ 103.3 and 93.7 FM, and on the web at http://sparksyracuse.org/ You can read about our history here.
The many fine This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio compilation albums are still available, each full of that rockin' pop sound you crave. A portion of all sales benefit our perpetually cash-strapped community radio project:
Volume 1: download
Volume 3: download
Hey, Carl's writin' a book! The Greatest Record Ever Made! (Volume 1) will contain 124 essays about 124 tracks, each one of 'em THE greatest record ever made. An infinite number of records can each be the greatest record ever made, as long as they take turns. Updated initial information can be seen here: THE GREATEST RECORD EVER MADE! (Volume 1).
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