TONIGHT! On Friday, September 2nd, Syracuse's nonpareil pop trio Screen Test will perform from 8 to 11:30 pm at Vendetti's Soft Rock And Good Time Grill, 2026 Teall Avenue in Syracuse, NY (the town so nice they named it). We've covered Screen Test's history in a long previous post called Inspired Humans Making Noise, but it's worth adding that an evening of Screen Test music is a surefire rockin' pop kvellarama; if you don't grok the Yiddish, it just means that a Screen Test show will inject a healthy dose of local pride and boundless joy into that earnest lover's heart you like to wear on your sleeve. Gary Frenay, Arty Lenin, and Tommy Allen (all veterans of Syracuse's own power pop powerhouse The Flashcubes) come to each gig armed with a ready supply of irresistible original pop tunes, plus great taste in cover tunes from Badfinger, The Raspberries, and other unassailable pop touchstones. The covers are great; the originals are even better. Nothing really matters when you're young, so grow up (too fast) to the sound of the radio tonight at Venditti's. You can't go wrong with me! Stop by 'n' say hi to your friendly neighborhood blogger.

Speaking of me, I continue to grovel for your votes in The Syracuse New Times' Best Of Syracuse '16 Readers Poll. You can vote once per e-mail address, so please consider votes for:
BEST BLOG: Boppin' (Like The Hip Folks Do)
BEST PRESCHOOL PROGRAM: my lovely wife Brenda's school Jowonio School
BEST ROCK GROUP: Ronnie's combo Darkroom
BEST PLACE TO BUY MUSIC: Ronnie's sponsor Music And More
Vote early! Vote often! Vote Boppin'!

The above-mentioned not-for-profit Spark Syracuse is the planned FM radio home of our self-described Best Three Hours Of Radio On The Whole Friggin' Planet, This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio with Dana & Carl. Our fundraising efforts for Spark WSPJ 93.5 and 103.3 FM are set to kick into high gear with the return of our popular shilling-for-dollars Guest Programmer promotion WHO NEEDS DANA & CARL? How's that work? If you donate at least $100 to Spark Syracuse, you earn an opportunity to program the music for one future three-hour chunk o' time on Westcott Radio and/or WSPJ. We're still working out specifics, and significant restrictions and guidelines will apply, but feel free to hit me with any questions. If you're ready to donate right now, head over to http://sparksyracuse.org/support/. If donating $100, select the "any amount" option to give via PayPal, and be sure to specify that you want to participate in the Guest Programmer promotion. Those who wish to donate by check should e-mail me at ccdatsme@aol.com. We thanks ya!
(Oh, and this coming Sunday's edition of This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio with Dana & Carl is billed as Radio Worth Paying For, a li'l three-hour demonstration of why we're worth all of this: Sunday night, 9 to Midnight Eastern, exclusively at www.westcottradio.org.)

Comin' up in the short term on Boppin' (Like The Hip Folks Do), we'll conclude our reassessment of The Monkees' recorded legacy with a hypothetical single-disc compilation called Hall Of Fame. You can also catch up on the three previous installments: Rows Of Houses That Are All The Same [4 CDs], Only True In Fairy Tales [3 CDs], and Walking Down The Street [2 CDs]. I hope to have one more major Monkees piece finished in time to post within the next week or so, just in time for The Monkees' 50th anniversary on September 12th. In the same vein, the September 11th This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio will be devoted to 50 YEARS OF THE MONKEES!
I've also planned a recap of the swirl of emotion surrounding this past Monday's Brian Wilson show at the New York State Fair; The Everlasting First, my alphabetical reminiscences about first exposures to various singers and superheroes, will continue soon with E is for THE EASYBEATS and E-MAN. And there's still lots more to come after that. A post a day, every day--for hip folks, that's the Boppin' way.

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