THE JAYHAWKS: "I'm Gonna Make You Love Me"

I may as well get this confession out of the way: I don't know a damned thing about The Jayhawks. I mean, I know who they are. Kind of. I've heard of them. I know they're well-regarded, well-respected. Americana comes to mind as the word I think I've seen pundits use to describe their music. I'm sure I could easily find out a lot more about them, and I could hear all of their recorded work and make an informed decision about how much of it I should add to my own collection of tunes. I'm not proud of my ignorance, and I will attempt to remedy it. I do have the Smile album--they were the first band to make it to retail with that album title--and I recall liking the title track, too. I hear they've backed Ray Davies, and that's pretty impressive, right? I will know more about The Jayhawks before I become dust.
But for now, I already know one thing above all else: The Jayhawks' "I'm Gonna Make You Love Me" is The Greatest Record Ever Made. I knew it the first time I heard it. The certainty renews each time I hear it again.
That's it. Sometimes it's just as simple as that.

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