100-Page FAKES! imagines mid-1970s DC 100-Page Super Spectaculars that never were...but should have been!
The real-world version of 1975's Detective Comics # 448 gave us the book-length conclusion of writer Len Wein's "Bat-Murderer" serial. Although the 100-Page Super Spectacular was dead and buried by this time, that won't stop the Boppinverse from slappin' together some vintage reprints to expand this issue of 'Tec into a 100-pager.
Superstar artist Jim Aparo turned in yet another characteristically gorgeous cover for this issue, but he was no longer handling the interior art. More's the pity, but Ernie Chua and Dick Giordano managed to put out some pretty pictures themselves. We've added Golden Age tales of Robin the Boy Wonder and the pulchritudinous Phantom Lady, and raided the 1960s archives for a Captain Atom and Nightshade adventure (drawn by Steve Ditko, and originally published by Charlton Comics) and a Batman-Teen Titans team-up from the pages of The Brave And The Bold, the latter with some magnificent artwork from Neal Adams. Roll credits!
The Batman in "Bedlam Beneath The Big Top!," Detective Comics # 448 (June 1975)
Robin The Boy Wonder in "The Boy Who Hated Robin!," Star Spangled Comics # 82 (July 1948)
Captain Atom and Nightshade in "The Fury Of The Faceless Foe," Captain Atom # 86 (June 1967)
Phantom Lady (untitled), Phantom Lady # 14 (October 1947)
Batman and The Teen Titans in "Punish Not My Evil Son," The Brave And The Bold # 83 (April-May 1969)
All characters are copyright DC Comics Inc. The Captain Atom and Phantom Lady stories are now public domain; the rest can only be suggested here in representative sample pages. I share the whole thing with my subscribers. With this, 100-Page FAKES! is likely done with expansions of Detective Comics, but there's still lots more in the way of faux Super Specs coming your way soon here at Boppin' (Like The Hip Folks Do).
The real-world version of 1975's Detective Comics # 448 gave us the book-length conclusion of writer Len Wein's "Bat-Murderer" serial. Although the 100-Page Super Spectacular was dead and buried by this time, that won't stop the Boppinverse from slappin' together some vintage reprints to expand this issue of 'Tec into a 100-pager.
Superstar artist Jim Aparo turned in yet another characteristically gorgeous cover for this issue, but he was no longer handling the interior art. More's the pity, but Ernie Chua and Dick Giordano managed to put out some pretty pictures themselves. We've added Golden Age tales of Robin the Boy Wonder and the pulchritudinous Phantom Lady, and raided the 1960s archives for a Captain Atom and Nightshade adventure (drawn by Steve Ditko, and originally published by Charlton Comics) and a Batman-Teen Titans team-up from the pages of The Brave And The Bold, the latter with some magnificent artwork from Neal Adams. Roll credits!
The Batman in "Bedlam Beneath The Big Top!," Detective Comics # 448 (June 1975)
Robin The Boy Wonder in "The Boy Who Hated Robin!," Star Spangled Comics # 82 (July 1948)
Captain Atom and Nightshade in "The Fury Of The Faceless Foe," Captain Atom # 86 (June 1967)
Phantom Lady (untitled), Phantom Lady # 14 (October 1947)
Batman and The Teen Titans in "Punish Not My Evil Son," The Brave And The Bold # 83 (April-May 1969)
All characters are copyright DC Comics Inc. The Captain Atom and Phantom Lady stories are now public domain; the rest can only be suggested here in representative sample pages. I share the whole thing with my subscribers. With this, 100-Page FAKES! is likely done with expansions of Detective Comics, but there's still lots more in the way of faux Super Specs coming your way soon here at Boppin' (Like The Hip Folks Do).
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