The Aquaman lead story in the real-world Adventure Comics # 449 reunited writer Steve Skeates and artist Jim Aparo, the team responsible for my all-time favorite run of Aquaman stories, 1968-1971. The reunion was short-lived--Skeates was gone by Adventure # 450--but at least Aparo remained in place, adding to his exquisite body of work as the definitive Aquaman artist. This was also the Adventure debut of Aquaman's once and future Justice League Of America partner J'onn J'onzz, Manhunter From Mars. J'onn's serial ran for a few issues as Adventure's back-up feature, the story concluding in a crossover tale in the pages of World's Finest Comics. We'll get to that before long.
Our added reprint section continues the 1970 Aquaman-Deadman tale by Skeates, Aparo, and Neal Adams, plus '50s stories starring J'onn J'onzz and The Green Arrow and Speedy. For kicks, I'm also starting to use some of the MLJ/Archie superheroes, characters which DC eventually licensed for new stories on two separate (but unsuccessful) attempts. Here, we have the high-camp 1966 meeting of The Shield and The Black Hood, and a somewhat more noirish Black Hood story from 1946.
Aquaman in "The Menace Of The Marine Marauder," Adventure Comics # 449 (January-February 1977)
"The Shield Versus The Black Hood," Mighty Comics # 41 (December 1966)
Aquaman in "The Big Pull," Aquaman # 51 (May-June 1970)
Deadman in "The World Cannot Wait For A Deadman," Aquaman # 51 (May-June 1970)
The Green Arrow and Speedy in "The Remote Controlled Archers!," Adventure Comics # 172 (January 1952)
The Black Hood in "The Cop And The Kid," Black Hood Comics # 18 (Spring 1946)
Manhunter From Mars in "Earth Detective For A Day," Detective Comics # 238 (December 1956)
Manhunter From Mars in "Mission: Catch A Killer," Adventure Comics # 449 (January-February 1977)
The Shield and The Black Hood are copyright Archie Comics, and everybody else is copyright DC Comics Inc. The Golden Age Black Hood material is now public domain, while the rest can only be suggested in representative sample pages. My paid subscribers see the whole thing. Another 100-Page FAKE! edition of either Adventure Comics or Detective Comics (if not both) should follow next week.
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