More Jim Aparo! More Aquaman! More Manhunter From Mars! And more superhero action, as Hawkman and Hawkgirl show up for the Martian Manhunter's final Adventure Comics slot, leading into a subsequent concluding chapter published in the Superman-Batman team-up book World's Finest Comics.
Before we follow J'onn J'onzz over to World's Finest, we need to add some reprints to build this into another phony 100-pager. Lessee...from the '40s, we'll use another exciting case from the files of the old MLJ/Archie Comics hero The Black Hood, we'll throw in a 1957 Manhunter From Mars story, a 1964 team-up of The Flash and The Martian Manhunter from the pages of The Brave And The Bold, and--best of all!--more Aquaman by Aparo, with writer Steve Skeates, on the 1970 I-say-it's-a-classic "Is California Sinking?"
Aquaman in "The Secret Of The Sinister Abyss," Adventure Comics # 451 (May-June 1977)
The Black Hood in "The Case Of The Sleeping Bandit," Black Hood Comics # 17 (Winter 1946)
Manhunter From Mars in "The Hero Maker," Detective Comics # 240 (February 1957)
Aquaman in "Is California Sinking?," Aquaman # 53 (September-October 1970)
The Flash and The Manhunter From Mars in "Raid Of The Mutant Marauders," The Brave And The Bold # 56 (October-November 1964)
Manhunter From Mars in "The Suspects," Adventure Comics # 451 (May-June 1977)
The Black Hood is copyright Archie Comics, and everyone else belongs to DC Comics Inc. The Black Hood story is public domain, and the rest can only be suggested in sample pages; my subscribers see the whole thing. As noted above, 100-Page FAKES! is going to head over to World's Finest Comics to conclude our J'onn J'onzz serial. The real-world World's Finest Comics # 245 was a (then) all-new Dollar Giant; it's gonna take three issues to turn that book into 100-Page FAKES!
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