In 2021, I posted a list of TV series that I've seen in their entirety, every episode. This is another update of that list, still missing a number of shows my memory can't retrieve, but adding some recent completions.
I like TV shows. This is an attempt to list every TV series I've ever watched in its entirety, from Season 1 Episode 1 through the blowout finale. It includes mini-series, broadcast series, cable series, and streaming series without discrimination. And it includes some series I saw piecemeal, as long as I'm sure I saw all of the episodes in whatever sequence I got to them. Some I saw on first run, others I watched after the fact. It is a woefully incomplete list--because, y'know, memory--but it's a start. I may come back here to add more series as I remember them.
The Adventures Of Superman
Being Erica
Bionic Woman [2007 series]
Birds Of Prey
Black Lightning
The Bob Newhart Show
Bosom Buddies
The Bronx Is Burning
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
The Crazy Ones
The Defenders [Marvel Comics series]
The Dick Van Dyke Show
Ellery Queen
The Event
The Falcon And The Winter Soldier
The Flash [1990-1991 series]
Flashforward [2009-2010 series]
Freaks And Geeks
Get Back
Gilligan's Island
Gilmore Girls
Go On
The Good Place, quite possibly my all-time favorite TV series (other than Jeopardy!) |
The Good Place
The Green Hornet
High Fidelity
Iron Fist
Jessica Jones
Luke Cage
Mad Men
Marvel's Agent Carter
The Mary Tyler Moore Show
The Middle Man
The Monkees
Moon Knight
Mrs. America
Ms. Marvel
The Munsters
The Newsroom
No Ordinary Family
Pan Am
Police Squad!
Pushing Daisies
Quantum Leap [1989-1993 series]
The Queen's Gambit
She-Hulk: Attorney At Law
Square Pegs
St. Elsewhere
Star Trek
*The Steven Banks Show
Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip
This Is Us
V [2009-2011 series]
Veronica Mars
The Village
We'll Get By
The West Wing
The Wonder Years [1988-1993 series]
Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist
If I forgot any series you think I must have seen from start to finish, I welcome attempts to jog my stubborn memory.
There is one series cited with an asterisk: the 1994 PBS comedy series The Steven Banks Show. I saw all of the broadcast episodes, but there were additional episodes completed but never aired. Haven't seen those, so...asterisk. (Previous versions of this list also asterisked NBC's 2017 DC Comics sitcom Powerless, but I have now seen all of its episodes, including the three that were never broadcast. I also found the series' unaired original pilot on YouTube; the pilot was very different from the later pilot and series, and I wish the show had followed its original direction.)
This list arbitrarily excludes animated shows, only because I didn't want to rack my brain to identify which cartoon series qualified; the cartoon list would include things like The Flintstones, Batman: The Animated Series (and the subsequent related Superman and Justice League series that were part of that B:TAS universe), and Avatar: The Last Airbender. Among live-action shows, Arrested Development and Twin Peaks would have been listed on the basis of their original network TV runs, but both have since been revived, and I haven't seen any of the latter-day episodes. (On the other hand, I have seen the continuations of Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars, and approve of both.)
Current series that will probably make this list some day include Firefly Lane, The Flash (The CW's version, which is distinct from the '90s series), Loki, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Superman and Lois, and the reboots of Quantum Leap and The Wonder Years. I bailed on Batwoman before its cancellation in 2022. Having seen the first season of Dollhouse, I may go back to see its second and final season.
I own home video copies of just a handful of complete TV series. I have The Monkees on DVD and on Blu-ray, Batman on Blu-ray (and I proposed a Batman-Monkees comic-book mashup here), Shindig! on an unauthorized set of DVD-Rs (and I really need to go back and finish watching those), homemade VHS copies of The Green Hornet, and Police Squad!, and, if we count non-physical media, the 2011-2012 series Pan Am on iTunes. I may write about Pan Am some day; the timing of its original network run coincided with some emotional turmoil in my life, and the idea of jetting off to Europe seemed mighty appealing to me. The pilot episode of Pan Am would serve as part of the climax in the first chapter of a long-gestating memoir I call Spain, a piece which, frankly, I doubt I'll ever getting around to writing.
There are still a lot of older TV series that should probably be on this list. It's likely that I've seen every episode of Get Smart, The Beverly Hillbillies, F Troop, The Odd Couple, The Andy Griffith Show, WKRP In Cincinnati, Hec Ramsey, Switch, When Things Were Rotten, and a big ol' bunch of others, but my reasonable doubt is sufficient for me to omit them from this list. There are some other older shows--The Guns Of Will Sonnett, the 1960s Tarzan, Disney's Zorro--I'd like the opportunity to re-visit, but for now, I don't think I've seen all of those episodes.
Yet. But Zorro's been added to Disney +....
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