Tuesday, September 10, 2024


Here are the opening paragraphs of a possible new short story in my Copperhead Kid continuity, specifically a sequel to "Flight Of The Copperhead." Regardless of whether or not I ever get around to completing this story, or even if I just leave it as-is as a short chapter in my longer narrative, it seems appropriate to share its intro today. 

We pray that good will vanquish evil in real life, just as it does in our superhero stories.


by Carl Cafarelli

She was the President of the United States of America, President Hannah Cooper. There was never any moment in her day-to-day life when she didn't have a Secret Service detail in place to shield her from threats both foreign and domestic. But she had also been a superhero. In every room she entered, she made immediate mental note of any random objects she could use as a weapon if the need arose. Old habits die hard. Once a Copperhead....

It had been nearly twenty years since the POTUS formerly known as Copper Girl had left costumed crusading behind her. She was still fit, still agile, her hair still red albeit lined now with streaks of silver. She was not America's first female Commander-In-Chief; that damned glass ceiling which seemed so impenetrable for so long was finally breached a few years prior, shattered to dust and mist. Yes she can. America's first female President had been something of a superhero herself. And, like many superheroes, she'd had a mantra:

We're not going back.

President Cooper agreed: We're not going back. And now President Cooper still had work to do: To preserve, protect, and defend. Like a good President should. 

Like a superhero....

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