Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Truth, Justice, and the American Way

I had intended to run a different post today, but it will keep. Today belongs to Kamala Harris, the remarkable woman whom I hope will be this country's next President.

Last night, my plan (or concept of a plan) was to skip the debate. I've chosen my candidate, I'm happy with my choice, and my level of election-related anxiety has been high enough as it is. On top of all that, the mere sight and sound of Dolt45 makes me angry. Why put myself through the tsuris of watching our former Buffoon-In-Chief perform his lamest hits again? 

But I relented. I set the DVR to record, and watched the debate in its entirety. And I marveled at how Vice President Harris made the felonious one squirm and flail just by remaining on point and in command. He demonstrated yet again that he is not and never was fit to be the President of the United States.

Kamala Harris proved that she is fit to be President. I pray the results of this debate help to nudge her toward 270 and beyond. With President Harris, this country can move forward.

And we're not going back.

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