Tuesday, September 24, 2024

A BREATH OF FRESH AIR: TV interview with DAVE MURRAY about his new novel

On Monday, friend of this blog Dave Murray appeared as a guest on Bridge Street, the long-running local TV talk show that airs weekday mornings on Syracuse's NewsChannel 9. Dave joined Bridge Street hosts Erik Columbia and Iris St. Meran to discuss his new book A Breath Of Fresh Air (A Transplant Tale), a novel inspired by his own experience as a cystic fibrosis patient and the recipient of a double lung translate. As Bridge Street celebrates its 20th anniversary this month, it's also been twenty years since Dave received the lungs that allowed him to take that breath of fresh air. and to keep right on breathing since then. Here's what I said about the book when it was published last month:

"A Breath Of Fresh Air (A Transplant Tale) is a masterful work of fiction which draws upon Dave's own real-life experience as a cystic fibrosis patient and the recipient of a double lung transplant. The novel crafts a compelling story, a story told with humor, passion, emotion, and determination, with elements of tragedy and despair, but ultimately awash in the delight of living to tell the tale. I loved it, and I don't just say that because it was written by a friend. This is very good work, and I hope it finds the audience it deserves...

"...It's a tale worth telling, a story worth reading, and a book worth owning. The novel is available from all of your usual online sources, but if you have an independent bookseller in your area, I humbly recommend you order your copy via those means. KEEP BOOKSTORES ALIVE!"

Now, let's watch Dave tell us a little bit about it as he talks with Erik and Iris. See it here.

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My new book The Greatest Record Ever Made! (Volume 1) is now available; you can see details here. My 2023 book Gabba Gabba Hey! A Conversation With The Ramones is also still available, courtesy of the good folks at Rare Bird Books

This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio with Dana & Carl airs Sunday nights from 9 to Midnight Eastern, on the air in Syracuse at SPARK! WSPJ 103.3 and 93.7 FM, streaming at SPARK stream and on the Radio Garden app as WESTCOTT RADIO. Recent shows are archived at Westcott Radio. You can read about our history here.

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