Thursday, September 12, 2024

Naming Fictional Bands (inspired by GWYNNE GARFINKEL)

A little while back, writer Gwynne Garfinkel posted of the difficulty in coming up with names for fictional rock groups, particularly the challenge of concocting a name that hasn't already been used by a real-life group.

Gwynne's post inspired number of responses from her Facebook friends, and it compelled my own so-called mind to start thinking of suggestions. So what the hello: Here are a bunch of potential names for bands that don't exist.

(NOTE: Since this is just a lark anyway, I did not check this list against any evidence that the name might be shared by some actual group, past or present. The list excludes a few faux bands--the Dustbunnies, the Frantiks, Guitars Vs Rayguns, Copper and the Pit Vipers, and the Butterscotch Peacemongers--already earmarked for appearances in my own work.)

Let's meet the bands!

45 Kisses [definitely an oldies lounge act with a female lead singer]

Abundance Of Zeros

Angel Season

Barista Conscription

Book Of Hate

Casual Stan


The Cosmos For Dummies


Day-Glo Disguise

The Death Turrets

Empty Eyes


Final Smile

Flowers For Alger Hiss

Garage Soul

Hail Murray

Hollow Oath

Karma Pencils

The Ladies Who Lunge

Lapdancing With The Stars

The Lemming Pipers

Lend Me Your Tears

Let's Talk About Sects

Mañana Republic

Never Always

Onyx Engine

Passive Fanatics

The Path Not Shaken

Phantom Door

Pirate Message

Plastic Bullet

Rooster And Rust

Rubbish Warriors

Sampson And Da La-Las

School For The Dead

Second Hand Noose

Shout Until Heard

Sniper Bait

The Solidarity Boogie Band

The Sound Of Ice

Spillane Dame

The Unimproved

Use The Farce

The Verbing Exclamations!

I may yet take the Lemming Pipers back....

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My new book The Greatest Record Ever Made! (Volume 1) is now available; you can see details here. My 2023 book Gabba Gabba Hey! A Conversation With The Ramones is also still available, courtesy of the good folks at Rare Bird Books

This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio with Dana & Carl airs Sunday nights from 9 to Midnight Eastern, on the air in Syracuse at SPARK! WSPJ 103.3 and 93.7 FM, streaming at SPARK stream and on the Radio Garden app as WESTCOTT RADIO. Recent shows are archived at Westcott Radio. You can read about our history here.

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