Rock 'n' roll radio fans! WE NEED YA! And, um...bring your wallet.
Our community radio station Spark Syracuse needs to raise a significant amount of tax-deductible donations for its effort to establish and operate a fully-functional, not-for-profit FM radio station in Syracuse. To help raise that cash, This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio with Dana & Carl has revived our popular Guest Programmer promotion. Anyone who donates at least $100 to Spark Syracuse will earn the opportunity to program the music for one near-future edition of This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio. Donations may be made via PayPal at http://sparksyracuse.org/support/; all donations are welcome, but only donations of $100 or more will qualify for the Guest Programmer option.
(If you have recently donated a lower amount to Spark Syracuse, and are now interested in increasing your donation to qualify as a Guest Programmer, we're really, really cool with that notion--just let us know. If you prefer to donate by check rather than via PayPal, please make your check out to Syracuse Community Radio, and mail it to Carl Cafarelli, 5540 Taormina Drive, Clay, NY 13041. Again, we appreciate all donations, however small or, y'know, huge, but only donations at the $100 level or above can earn the opportunity to Guest Program a show. If you have a friend you want to collaborate with, that works, too! We just need a total donation of at least $100 to program the music for one three-hour show.)
All funds raised will go toward Spark Syracuse, WSPJ 93.5 and 103.3 FM in Syracuse, which will soon be the terrestrial radio home of This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio and other Westcott Radio programs. Westcott Radio's webcast will continue as before. Well, one hopes with fewer technical glitches. This is our one, best shot to get our programming on the radio in Syracuse! This is what this whole project has been building toward since TIRnRR first sprawled across your inbox at the end of 1998. This is it.
DETAILS: Each qualifying Guest Programmer will have the opportunity to program all of the songs for a future installment of This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio with Dana & Carl. If you will be in the Syracuse area and would like to join us and physically co-host your show in person, we'd love to have ya! Otherwise, you can send us the list of songs you want us to play, and we'll play 'em for you.
THERE ARE SIGNIFICANT RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY. We presume anyone interested in doing this thing would also want to stay within TIRnRR's vague, broadly-defined power pop format, but this is not a requirement; if you win and you wanna play polka, disco, prog, or opera, we'll think you've got the wrong show, but we'll gladly take your money and play your songs anyway.
REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL GUEST PROGRAMMERS: All song selections must be FCC-friendly, so no cussing or hate speech. Absolutely NO politics. In order to play a song, we have to actually have it; you are responsible for either bringing your selections to our studio in person, or for supplying your tracks to Dana & Carl in advance. Your show MUST include at least TWO different artists, and cannot include any albums in their entirety. We have (perhaps unwisely) removed our previous edict excluding Bob Seger songs, but come on--do you really want to play Bob Seger songs on TIRnRR? Really? Sigh...it's your dime. We reserve the right to reject any programming we deem inappropriate, but we're gonna work with you to resolve any potential issues. Trust us. We're DJs.
TIRnRR's format calls for sets consisting of six songs each, usually with a longer set at the end of the show, followed by a closing instrumental. You are welcome to choose specific sequencing, or you can leave that up to us, whichever you prefer. Your show must fit within our approximate three-hour time slot, including between-set banter; that's usually about two hours and 35 minutes, give or take, plus the instrumental. Choose wisely!
TIRnRR's format calls for sets consisting of six songs each, usually with a longer set at the end of the show, followed by a closing instrumental. You are welcome to choose specific sequencing, or you can leave that up to us, whichever you prefer. Your show must fit within our approximate three-hour time slot, including between-set banter; that's usually about two hours and 35 minutes, give or take, plus the instrumental. Choose wisely!
There may be other common-sense or outta-left-field conditions to be named later, but that oughtta cover it for now. Got a question? Don't be shy!
And now it's YOUR turn to determine what rock 'n' roll radio will sound like on a future Sunday night in Syracuse.
This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio with Dana & Carl streams live every Sunday night from 9 to Midnight Eastern, exclusively at www.westcottradio.org.
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