Well, first off, Dana and I want to congratulate our pals at The Wax Museum with Ronnie Dark over on WVOA-FM, as hosts Ronnie Dark and Mike Adams celebrate their 400th show tonight. HuzZAH! These guys do a great show every single week, and we wish 'em our best. Don't be scared! It's only vinyl! The Wax Museum airs 7 to 10 pm tonight on 87.7 WVOA, and online at http://www.wvoaradio.com/listenonline.html
And yeah, that means that The Wax Museum (and The Night Owl Lounge) air directly opposite Everyone's Invited with Mark Hughson and This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio with Dana & Carl here on Westcott Radio, and Soundcheck with Dave Frisina on The Rebel 105.9--so much great radio, all at the same time! You can listen to any of these blocs of programming live, you can record The Wax Museum and Soundcheck on dar.fm, and you can download Everyone's Invited and TIRnRR from the Westcott Radio Archive. We're still going to do our own great show this week, too--can't let The Wax Museum have all the fun, can we? You'll find out what we'll play when we find out we'll play, Sunday night 9 to Midnight Eastern, www.westcottradio.org Great radio? The more the merrier!
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