Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Birthday boy DANA BONN asks for donations to SYRACUSE COMMUNITY RADIO

Intrepid This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio co-host Dana Bonn celebrates his birthday today, August 6th, which I'm told is the same day he celebrates his birthday every year. Gotta admire the boy's consistency! As I understand it, this is Dana's 29th birthday, as long as we ignore the previous 33 times he's observed his 29th birthday. 

And this year, Dana is asking you to support Syracuse Community Radio, the perpetually cash-strapped station that allows us to bring you This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio each and every week. It's a Facebook fundraiser, so if you happen to still be a part of that plstform, you can chip in here: https://www.facebook.com/donate/2163286660737823/10225647730091449/

If you're NOT on Facebook, well, I don't blame you at all, and it may be evidence that you're just plain smarter than the rest of us. BUT!! You can still contribute to the cause right here.

Don't let Dana down. It's his birthday! And happy birthday to ya, Mr. Bonn.

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