Goldmine magazine represent!
My friend John Borack started freelancing for Goldmine in 1986, right around the same time that I did (but that's another story). Quitter that I am, I only stayed with Goldmine a mere twenty years before moving on to...well, nothing. But John's kept at it, all the while also crafting some cool books of his own, drumming with a number of cool combos, and running his own cool group Popdudes. Cool!
One of John's regular Goldmine gigs is Power Pop Plus, a series of reviews of power pop product, your one-stop shop for guidance in the realm of all that jangles and buzzes. The latest Power Pop Plus includes what can only be called a rave review of our new compilation CD This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio, Volume 4. You should check out John's current slate o' pop reviews at Power Pop Plus to read his takes on recent releases from The Pengwins, The Naturals, Diamond Hands, Colman Gota, Alan Bernhoft, The Singles, Sitcom Neighbor, Chris Church, The Flames, The Wellingtons, The Safes, The Bye Bye Blackbirds, The Hangabouts, The On And Ons, and The Favourites, as well as that snappy thing we do, TIRnRR # 4. But I also want to preserve John's review of the glory 'n' splendor of Dana & Carl, so here 'tis:
Power Pop Plus: New Music Reviews by John M. Borack September 11, 2017
VARIOUS ARTISTS – This is Rock ‘n’ Roll Radio – Volume 4

Journalistic integrity and conflicts of interest being what they are, I suppose I should alert you straightaway to the fact that your humble scribe appears on three tracks on TiRRR4 as your humble drummer. But hey, you know what? There are 26 other tracks on this fantabulous compilation that I don’t appear on, so screw it. It’s so good that I’d actually be doing more of a disservice if I didn’t talk about than I would if I did, so I will. I mean, I am. Or something.
Anyway…the veritable bounty of delightful tracks onTiRRR4 were curated by radio hosts Carl Cafarelli and Dana Bonn, who spin records and gab about ‘em every Sunday evening in Syracuse, NY (and online, too). Most all of it is either rare/hard to find or previously unreleased, and the disc is positively crawling with great tunes from accomplished titans of the power pop genre (Rubinoos, Smithereens, Paul Collins’ Beat), indie faves (the Gripweeds, Chris von Sneidern, Lisa Mychols, P. Hux), lesser-known-but-still-cool acts (Stepford Knives, The Rulers, Michael Oliver) and Cafarelli/Bonn fave raves (the Flashcubes, Ronnie Dark, 1.4.5.).
Personal picks would be Ray Paul’s insistently rockin’ “I Need Your Love Tonight” (the best thing he’s ever done, to these ears), Pop Co-Op’s “You Don’t Love Me Anymore” (sounding like a long lost Walker Brothers track), the bubbly “I’m On Your Side” by Circe Link & Christian Nesmith, The Rulers’ “I Want My Ramones Records Back” (who wouldn’t?), Lisa Mychols’ “Almost Didn’t Happen” and The Legal Matters’ faithful take of Teenage Fanclub’s “Don’t Look Back.” But really, nothing here is less than very good, making this one of the finest pure pop compilations I’ve heard in years. Kudos to Kool Kat Musik for releasing this gem. Grade: A
(And John added in a separate note to me: Couldn't let it go without reviewing it because it's SO. DAMNED GOOD.)
In the words of The Flamin' Groovies: Thanks, John!
John's Goldmine review is the fifth TIRnRR # 4 review we've seen, and they've all been positive: Power Pop News, Alan Haber's Pure Pop Radio, Strange Things Are Happening/Thee Psychedelicatessen, and Powerpopaholic. If you see another review of TIRnRR # 4 somewhere out there, please let us know. If you know of someone who'd be interested in reviewing TIRnRR # 4, start buggin 'em now! If you know of a radio station that might be interested in initiating saturation airplay of TIRnRR # 4, feel free to pester politely. Our Convenient Collection Of TIRnRR # 4 Hype will continue to be updated as we go along.
Most importantly: BUY THE CD! Order your friends to buy the CD, too. They'll listen to you. You're cool! Just like John Borack.
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